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个人简历:19896月毕业于西北师范大学物理教育专业,获理学学士学位20076月获西北师范大学凝聚态专业硕士学位201512月获得西北师范大学博士学位现为3044am永利集团官网教授;作为主要参与人完成国家自然基金5和厅级项目1项;主持甘肃省自然基金1项;主持完成永利集团董事长基金1项;主持完成《电动力学》校级精品课程建设;曾获得过老员工电子设计竞赛甘肃省一等奖,指导员工获得甘肃省老员工物理实验竞赛三等奖2次,团体二等奖1次,获永利集团教学成果二等奖两次(参与),永利集团教学优秀论文二等奖和优秀班主任奖(两次)。先后在Chemical Engineering JournalMaterials Research BulletinCeramics InternationalJournal of Alloys and Compounds等国内外专业期刊发表学术论文二十余篇;主要从事光催化、光子晶体及材料润湿特性方面的研究工作



1. Influence of calcination temperature on the photocatalytic performance of the hierarchical TiO2 pinecone-like structure decorated with CdS nanoparticles, Ceramics International 45 (2019) 767–776. (第一作者)

2. Facile preparation of diverse alumina surface structures by anodization and superhydrophobic surfaces with tunable water droplet adhesion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 779 (2019) 219–228. (第一作者)

3. Photoluminescence properties of anodic aluminum oxide formed in a mixture of ammonium fluoride and oxalic acid, Opt. Eng. 56 (2017) 067107-6. (第一作者)

4. Fabrication of pinecone-like structure superhydrophobic surface on titanium substrate and its self-cleaning property, Chemical Engineering Journal 290 (2016) 82 90. (第一作者)

5. Photoluminescent properties of anodic aluminum oxide films formed in a mixture of malonic and sulfuric acid, Superlattices and Microstructures 75 (2014) 294–302.  (第一作者)

6. Fabrication of one-dimensional alumina photonic crystals by anodization using a modified pulse-voltage method, Material Research Bulletin 68 (2015) 42–48. (第一作者)

7. Superhydrophobic surface based on self-aggregated alumina nanowire clusters fabricated anodization, Microelectronic Engineering 142 (2015) 70–76. (第一作者)

8. Co/ AAO 纳米有序阵列复合结构的光致发光和光吸收特性, 光谱学与光谱分析28 (2008) 517–521. (第一作者)

9. 硫酸根离子对草酸/硫酸混合酸中制备的多孔阳极氧化铝光致发光特性的影响, 发光学报 31 (2010) 671–675. (第一作者)

10. 退火温度对草酸/硫酸混合酸中制备的多孔阳极氧化铝光致发光特性的影响, 功能材料与器件学报17 (2011) 600 605. (第一作者)

11. One-dimensional alumina photonic crystals with a narrow band gap and their applications to high-sensitivity concentration sensor and photoluminescence enhancement, Superlattices and Microstructures 86 (2015) 546–551. (第三作者)

12. The preparation  and characterization of nanoparticle Ag–SiO2 composite films with super low refractive index, Superlattices and Microstructures 73 (2014) 136–144. (第三作者)

13. A facile method used for controlled growth of SnO2 nanoparticles embedded in TiO2 films on FTO substrate as field emitters, Materials Letters 144 (2015) 1–4. (第三作者)

14. The effect of oxalic and sulfuric ions on the photoluminescence of anodic aluminum oxide formed in a mixture of sulfuric and oxalic acid, Appl Phys A 94 (2009) 939 942. (第三作者)

15. 酸根离子掺杂对多孔阳极氧化铝光致发光特性的影响, 高等学校化学学报, 30 (2009) 1621~1624. (第三作者)


 1. 2018-2020  主持甘肃省自然基金一项 (18JR3RG204)

2. 20152017 主持永利集团董事长基金一项 (XZ2015-06)

3. 20082011 主持电动力学校级重点课程

4. 20112015 参与完成教育厅项目一项(1109B-09)

5. 20122018 参与完成国家自然基金五项


1. 2018年第二届甘肃省老员工物理实验竞赛三等奖和团体二等奖;

2. 2017年甘肃省教育厅首届老员工物理实验竞赛三等奖;

3. 2009年全国大学电子设计竞赛甘肃赛区一等奖;

4. 2011年全国大学电子设计竞赛甘肃赛区成功参赛奖;

5. 2013年第九届挑战杯甘肃省老员工课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师



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